We are excited to announce Lead Assign has changed its name to Bluebird.

Enable sales operations.

Automated lead management that improves marketing operations and sales velocity.


Automate lead capture from any source.


Real-time lead enrichment to increase lead quality.


The most intelligent lead routing engine on the planet.


Automated conversion data capture from your entire partner network.


Multi-point workflow integration and advanced business intelligence.

Collecting leads animation


Automate lead capture from any source.

Lead Assign’s flexible endpoints make it simple to manage all your marketing campaigns and existing lead funnels.

Easily scale marketing efforts while consistently capturing business intelligence data.


Lead Assign has been designed to parse any format of incoming lead. This means all you need to do to start distributing leads to your network is point them at your unique email endpoint.

Salesforce - Lead Assign Enterprise Integrations API

Direct your leads from Salesforce into Lead Assign for immediate assignment. 

With our Salesforce connector, your team is automatically updated and leads flow in real-time.

Facebook logo

Direct your leads from Facebook into Lead Assign for immediate assignment, ensure they are never missed, and remove the need to constantly download CSV files.

HubSpot - Lead Assign Enterprise Integrations API
There are multiple ways to integrate Hubspot, from sending leads to Lead Assign first and populating Hubspot downstream, to grabbing opportunities from within your Hubspot account and routing to your network of salespeople.
Platform visualization
Connections to computer animation


Real-time lead enrichment to increase lead quality.

Get the full picture from the get-go. 

Clearbit Logo

We utilize Clearbit technology to seamlessly enrich contact details with additional profile data to ensure your sales partners get the upper hand.

Battle Cards

Create simple to use battle cards that put the right information at the fingertips of your sales reps at the right time

Lead Hints

Create customizable previews for your sales reps to view prior to lead acceptance.

Showing exactly what reps need to see to determine if a lead is right for them.

Routing logo


The most intelligent lead routing engine on the planet.

Lead Assign’s patented intelligent routing engine is highly customizable, learns over time, and scalable enough to meet the demands of global enterprises.

Platform visualization
New lead timer with accept or reject button

Intelligent Routing With Time-Sensitive, SMS Based Lead Offers

Lead Assign’s patented intelligent lead routing platform parses incoming leads and routes based on the content of the lead and how it matches the skillset, location, and historical performance of people within your sales network.

Interested in seeing what it’s like to be on the receiving end?

Flexible Routing Models

You have likely considered Shark Tank (fastest finger) vs Round Robin (even distribution amongst sales reps).

Lead Assign employs an intelligent hybrid approach.

No Login = 100% Adoption

You cannot guarantee your team will adopt new software. That’s why we built Lead Assign’s lead offer and acceptance platform using standard tools they already use, SMS and Email.

Performance Scoring

The Lead Assign platform is constantly learning which agents from your network are most responsive and who provides timely feedback.

Battle Cards & Lead Hints

Create simple to use battle cards that put the right information at the fingertips of your sales reps at the right time.

Platform visualization
Connections from a phone


Automated conversion data capture from your entire partner network.

Making sure you are routing a lead to someone who is qualified and has demonstrated the ability to act in a timely manner is half the battle. But now you need to be able to track how a lead is progressing through the sales funnel.

Our conversion tracking system presents the sales rep with an intuitive, customizable interface that enables them to quickly and easily update the status of a sale. All without having to log in.

Interested in seeing what it’s like to be on the receiving end?

You have successfully engaged with a customer screen on a mobile.
Automated Follow-up

You set the cadence and the platform will request feedback from your sales network as the deals progress.

Customizable Feedback Options

Conversion tracking fields can be free-form or pre-configured to show your range of products and services. Customizing these fields makes it easy to tie exact sales items to lead generation efforts.

Next Touchpoint Scheduling

Sales reps can easily set next touch points dates. We will remind them to update the lead status, and you will get more accurate reporting on expected progress with the sales conversion.

Agent/Admin Communication Channel

The sales rep interface also features a communication channel between the rep and your administrators. It acts as an easy location to ask a question, provide notes, or provide support.

Consolidate logo


Multi-point workflow integration and advanced business intelligence.

Through a series of multi-point integrations, we provide the capability for you to capture and track data from your extended network and update records across your entire stack.

Platform visualization
Agent analytics dashboard on desktop
The built-in analytics gives a high-level overview of all your sales activities and is an incredibly useful tool in determining the overall health of your sales operations.
It’s critical you have the data you need across your organization.

Whether marketing automation platforms or CRM’s, Lead Assign is the binding glue and enrichment engine for your current stack.