We are excited to announce Lead Assign has changed its name to Bluebird.

Upgrading to Version 2.3

Executive Summary

Version 2.3 includes many interface changes and performance upgrades. The following document is designed to help communicate what has changed and why.

The majority of the changes can be summarized in 3 categories; Technical Performance, Multi-Lead Management, and Performance score.

As always we are focused on making sure your partners are able to interact with your leads securely and effortlessly.

1. Technical Performance

From speed optimization to expanded support for more email clients. Version 2.3 improves the overall experience and ensures you are getting the very best from the platform.

From Vue JS for the agent interface front end, improved email compatibility with outlook, and mobile-first design enhancements.

2. Multi-Lead Management

We have implemented a number of interface changes that make it much easier for salespeople to manage all their leads from one location, the most obvious of which is the new desktop lead view.

Mobile views have also been rebuilt to encourage multi-lead management while keeping the platform as easy to use as ever.

3. Performance Score

Lead Assign tracks the performance of your partners and salespeople within the platform. This gives you the ability to route leads to partners that actively engage in accepting and converting leads. New updates have made it possible for users to be able to see how they are performing and improve their score by completing tasks and providing feedback.


New Lead Offer Email

  • The new designs are supported by a larger number of email clients.
  • Enhanced mobile rendering
  • Optimized lead preview
  • Salesperson performance ratings

Drag the “handle” to view comparisons



Lead Accepted Email

  • Better balance of lead contact information and lead contents.
  • Enhanced rendering
  • Easier access to follow up
  • Easier access to contact

Mobile Views

Lead Offer

  • Cleaner design helps focus attention
  • More prominent main action buttons (accept, decline)
  • Lead preview and Tags are easier to read
  • Simple close button that reveals agents other leads (or passwordless login)

Lead Accepted

  • Redesigned contact card that moves lead contents further into view
  • Better support for lead enrichment
  • More prominent contact buttons

Lead Conversion Tracking

"Follow Up" is now "Conversion"

In the interest of making the agent interface more useful and connect with agents, we changed the name of “follow up” to “Conversion” as it more accurately describes the purpose. This lays the foundations as we build more tools to assist agents track and manage their incoming leads.

There have also been minor visual changes to the interface to create a simpler cleaner layout of next actions

Next Follow Up

The calendar picker does not dominate the screen as much, making it easier to interact with. This also encourages additional form interaction.


  • Minor design tweaks

Adding Notes

  • Comments have been renamed “Notes”. We have found this encourages usage.
  • Minor design tweaks to improve legibility

Web View - Desktop

Redesigned Lead View

The desktop lead view has been completely reworked. Leads are now shown in a sidebar with the relevant lead “selected”. This is a major improvement that allows agents to interact with all their leads from a single view.

Simply closing the sidebar allows interaction with all other leads and results in a dramatic increase in conversion feedback capture.